Reimagine equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

This course is suitable for all staff and volunteers within organisations. It provides an overview of equality
legislation in the UK, explores the benefits and challenges of working in diverse teams and with diverse customers, offers the chance to practice challenging discrimination constructively and the opportunity to reflect on developing best practice in equality, diversity and inclusion.

1 day course

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
for Managers

This course is suitable for all managers within organisations. It provides an overview of equality legislation in the UK, explores the benefits and challenges of managing diverse teams, offers the chance to practice challenging discrimination constructively and the opportunity to develop best practice management and leadership
skills in equality, diversity and inclusion.

1 day course

Disability Awareness

This course is suitable for volunteers and staff at all levels within organisations. Participants will explore a brief
history of disability discrimination and current protective legislation, models of disability, preferred language,
actions to remove and reduce barriers disabled people
may face, and how to support disabled service users
and staff effectively.

Half day course

Unconscious Bias

This course is designed as a follow up to Equality and Diversity, or Equality and Diversity for Managers.

Participants will explore different types of unconscious bias and their potential impact at work, develop an awareness
of when unconscious bias is likely to occur, and put in
place strategies to minimise its impact.

1 day course

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for
Senior Leaders

This course is suitable for Executive and Senior Leaders
of organisations.

Day 1 is the same as Equality and Diversity for Managers. 

Day 2 is a workshop facilitated to enable leaders to begin developing an equality, diversity and inclusion strategy for
their organisation, following on from their previous day’s
learning. We begin with ideas, prioritise, and write headline objectives before breaking those down into achievable, measurable milestones. 

2 day course

Disability Inclusion for Managers

This course is suitable for all managers within organisations. Participants will explore how to proactively promote inclusion for and with disabled people during
all management processes, implement reasonable adjustments and best practice measures, have supportive and effective conversations about visible and less visible disabilities; and how to access networks and resources
to strengthen inclusion.

Half day course

"This EDI training exceeded my expectations. This is my first leadership
role, so it was particularly useful to understand protected characteristics
and types of discrimination, and how to approach situations.
The training was very interactive, and I learnt a lot". 

Katie Nunn, Data Impact & Evaluation Lead , Involve Kent


Reenergise mental health and wellbeing